Thursday, December 20, 2007

Uncut and unexpurgated

I am just returned from a trip to Wisconsin to visit two lovely friends, which will provide material for a few more posts. Tonight just a quick thought; I have finally watched the entirety of South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut. I have to say that it does tempt me to jump on the SP bandwagon years too late, weird as it is to watch Saddam Hussein having sex with the devil now that he's dead. Aside from the acidic reflections on censorship, the music is actually unbelievably rich and melodic, and I think the orchestration is some of the best I've ever heard in a musical. This baffled me until my friend informed me that it was done by the same fellows who did Hairspray, which is a testament to SP's huge fan base. The growly, vampy last verse of "Kyle's Mom is a Bitch" is, I don't mind saying, one of the most brilliant conclusions to a musical number ever.


Ben said...

Connie's become a huge fan of the TV show over the last month or so, thanks to a couple colleagues. Sounds like we should check out the movie!

Heidi said...

You should! Though be warned, it's not exactly Christmassy.