Thursday, August 21, 2008

In the pleasantly warm light of day

It occurs to me that some of the choppiness I felt in the musical last night might have to do with my seat, because
1) The orchestra was under my nose, and therefore quite loud. A bit jarring to get the speaker in your right ear and the real sound in your left.
2) I could always see everything and everyone moving in the opposite wing, which is a bit distracting and makes you think that nothing ever stops for long enough to have a scene.
3) I often couldn't see people's feet and legs, since I was looking UP at the stage. This sounds stupid, but I think it's true that if you can't really appreciate the blocking, you miss a lot of the continuity and creation of dramatic movement that can help link scenes/numbers.


. said...

Glad to hear you had an overall positive experience. I hope you get a chance to see it after opening once everything gets solidified.

. said...

P.S. You should submit your review to the site!

jodi said...

Ouch on those ears. i think I saw "Tommy" in 1993 or 1994 with very similar acoustics. It is quite an odd auditory experience.

. said...

Please share! It's a labot of love. :-)