Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Packing it in

Very sunburned but very happy after two nights (including my old classmate James Blake last night, and tonight, Roger Federer!) and one afternoon at the US Open. It'll have to continue without me though, since friends and theater are going to fill up the rest of the time I have in NYC. I talked to some theater folks at the Open who recommended Xanadu for a good time. I inquired seriously whether I could take my mother to see it. She's actually pretty unflappable, but I don't think that the 'tits and ass' number in Chorus Line was her favorite thing. Maybe it was, compared to the number about gonorrhea... I think I'll stick to Tale of Two Cities.

Tip for all you potential Broadwaygoers: if eligible, join tdf and get discounted tickets on there. You have to keep a very sharp eye out and be able to buy in advance, so it's much easier if you actually [groan] live in NYC. I made the mistake of not checking last night when I got back from the Open at 2:30am, and by this morning, the Tale tickets for Saturday that went up after I left home at 6pm were gone.

Someday, academic job market willing...

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